Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I love that Addi is in preschool and loving it but I have found a couple things I don't love about it.
First, Eli begs me to put him down for a nap about an hour before it's time to pick her up. By "begs me" I mean follows me around whining and whimpering and looking truly pitiful. I usually don't give in because I know I will have to wake him up to get her, but sometimes I do. And then I stare at him before I wake him up wondering how he can sleep so deeply now, but be awakened by the smallest noise at night.

Second, I have always felt like Addi could speak well, but she has a few words that she switches the letters of that Jared and I happen to love. 
Some of our favorites....
  • Fomorrow (Tomorrow) this one was the original mistake. We thought it was really cute, and Jared will even sometimes say Fomorrow when he's talking to her.
  • Firsty (Thirsty) I've heard a lot of kids replace Th sounds for F but this is the only Th word that Addi has trouble with.
  • Risgusting (Disgusting) This one came up recently, she likes to call everything risgusting.
  • Kissabelas (Cabelas)
  • Her (She) In this case she just says the word her when she should say she. "This is my friend, isn't her cute?"
Anyway, now that she is in school, I feel like I need to correct her. But I don't want to, not yet, so today I think I'll just let her be my sweet little mispronunciater.
After all, there's always Fomorrow.


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